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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell North Elementary Foundation’s Successful Inaugural Golf Tournament

The Roswell North Elementary Foundation (RNEF) recently hosted its inaugural Golf Fore Science Classic, raising approximately $11,000 to provide funding for the school’s Licata Science Lab, Life Science Extension, RNE Garden, and other initiatives.

“We are so grateful to the Roswell North community for their unwavering support at this unprecedented time," said Allison Hegarty, vice president of business fundraising. “The success of our Golf Fore Science Classic could not have been achieved without everyone’s help and commitment to the Licata Science Lab and RNEF.”

The Roswell North Elementary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 2009 to enrich and support the academic experience of the students at Roswell North Elementary School. The Foundation annually funds all the costs of the Licata Science Lab, one of only two elementary school-level science labs in North Fulton County, as well as additional programs, improvements, or initiatives consistent with the school’s strategic plan.

For more information, visit