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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell Maintains Same Property Tax Rate for 2021

For the third year in a row, the City of Roswell’s property tax rate (millage rate) for fiscal year (FY) 2021 will remain at 4.955 mills. Roswell City Council voted to adopt the millage rate during the special called meeting of the mayor and council on Monday, Aug. 31.

The 4.955 millage rate includes a Maintenance & Operations (M & O) component of 4.705, which goes toward supporting the City’s General Fund services and programs such as those offered by Public Safety, Fire, Recreation and Parks, Transportation, and other departments. The City’s Debt Service accounts for 0.250 of the rate and is applied to the City’s bonded indebtedness, low-rate loans for special projects that have been approved by voters during previous referenda.

Out of the total property tax that Roswell residents pay each year, City taxes are equal to approximately 15% of their total bills. Taxes paid to Fulton County Schools and Fulton County account for approximately 54% and 31%, respectively.

For more information about the millage rate and Roswell’s FY 2021 Budget, visit