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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell Launches Trolley Pilot Program on Friday & Saturday Nights

Visitors to the City of Roswell will find it easier to navigate the Historic District on Friday and Saturday nights with the launch of the Roswell Trolley Pilot Program. The free pilot program will run through August 5th on Fridays and Saturdays, from 5:00-11:00pm.

Roswell City Council approved the trolley pilot project to move people through the Historic District during the busiest times of the week, Friday and Saturday nights, when parking is hard to come by. This will allow people to park at City Hall and catch the trolley to Canton Street and the Historic Town Square.

The trolley pilot program has ten stops including City Hall (38 Hill Street) the Historic Town Square and Bulloch Hall, Magnolia Street, Mimosa Boulevard and Canton Street.

The City of Roswell will be gathering ridership data and user feedback throughout the course of the pilot program to gauge its effectiveness and to determine any improvements for the future.