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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell HS Welcomes Stacey Abrams for Black History Celebration

Georgia politician Stacey Abrams was the guest speaker at a recent Black History Celebration hosted by the Black Student Union (BSU) of Roswell High School.

Abrams, a 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate and former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives, is an advocate for free and fair elections. During her presentation, Abrams discussed the importance of voting and celebrating black history. She also engaged in a question and answer session with audience participation.

In her remarks, Abrams discussed her time growing up in Georgia and her work in the states political arena.

I grew up in a community that didnt see me, but I grew up in a family that believed in me, she said.

Abrams urged new voters and those who are registered to vote but may have skipped voting in previous elections to make their voices heard.

Voting is power, she said. We have to work together to make democracy work.

Following her loss in the gubernatorial election in 2018, Abrams launched several voting initiatives including Fair Fight 2020.

While I didnt get the job I wanted, Ive been privileged to do the work just the same, she said.

The BSU is an organization founded to serve as a safe haven for African Americans to grow and succeed while establishing a strong presence in the community through service. The organization has over 25 members and is active in community events.

I wanted to host and plan this event this evening because, oftentimes, African American History is limited to one paragraph in history books, explained Roswell High School senior Michael Henderson, president of Roswell High Schools BSU organization. Our stories are unheard. Therefore, I felt that this event could be a vehicle to educate our Roswell community about our significant contributions to America.