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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell Begins Improvements at wHBR/Ga-400

The City of Roswell, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), will soon begin construction on two projects that will improve mobility and safety and ease congestion along one of the Citys most heavily traveled roadways: Holcomb Bridge Road (SR 140) at GA-400. The projects will begin February 2 with an anticipated date of completion of September 2015, weather permitting. There will be no lane closures during morning or afternoon peak hours for either project, although construction crews may work on the road shoulder during those hours. Construction activities that require lane closures will occur at off-peak hours, and on nights and weekends.

GA-400 Northbound Ramp Project and Elimination of Eastbound Trap Lane. This project is a traffic operational improvement to eliminate the Holcomb Bridge Road (SR 140) eastbound left-turn trap lane approaching Old Alabama Road. The project will add a right-turn lane to the existing GA-400 northbound ramp (exit 7A) and modify the existing traffic signal. Westbound traffic flow on Holcomb Bridge Road will be improved by extending the left-turn lane to GA-400 south to provide more room for southbound vehicles. The construction cost for this project is $1,040,472 and is funded by GDOT.

SR 140 Westbound Through-Lane and Streetscape Project. This traffic operational improvement project will improve mobility and safety, and reduce congestion along Holcomb Bridge Road (SR 140) by constructing a new westbound travel lane along Holcomb Bridge Road between Old Alabama Road and the GA-400 northbound on-ramp. The project includes turn lane and signal upgrades at the intersections of Old Alabama Road and Market Boulevard, and new eight-foot sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, and streetscape enhancements along Holcomb Bridge Road. The construction cost for this project is $2,313,985 and is funded by the City of Roswells bond referendum, which was overwhelmingly approved by Roswell voters in November 2012.