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North Fulton Local Interests




Relief Funding Available to North Fulton Seniors

As part of its ongoing COVID-19 response, Fulton County allocated $150,000 to Senior Services North Fulton for emergency assistance. The grant came in the second wave of Fulton County COVID-19 Emergency Relief, following the approval of $10 million in funding by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners at the beginning of April.

Senior Services North Fulton has been the Meals on Wheels provider in North Fulton for nearly 30 years. As an essential service to the community, the Meals on Wheels program is operational and continues to deliver food to homebound seniors during the pandemic. 

Through this crisis, however, a new group of seniors in need has emerged. 

We are hearing from many workforce seniors in north Fulton who are suddenly out of a job and are struggling to pay bills, said Ron Harlow, executive director of Senior Services North Fulton. They are servers at your favorite restaurants, store owners, and businesspeople who are having trouble paying their rent and buying food. This funding will allow us to help a population that has never needed us before.

If you or someone you know lives in north Fulton, is age 60+, and needs assistance to pay for food, rent/mortgage, utilities, medication, or other emergency expenses, contact Senior Services North Fulton by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 770-993-1906 to see if you may qualify for Fulton County COVID-19 Emergency Relief funding.