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North Fulton Local Interests




Pools 40th Anniversary

Roswell Area Park pools 40th Anniversary was held on Opening Day of the 2015 Pool Season during a fun, family-friendly party with entrance fees rolled back 40 years 50 cents for persons 18 years of age and under, $1.00 for adults. The pools common areas recently underwent a remodel, which included renovated bathrooms with new appliances and fixtures, remodeled shower/dressing room areas, new tile flooring throughout, a new fence, and all entrances have been remodeled and a new entrance has been added. Before the pool was built, Roswell Area Park had only two fields, and if you didnt play baseball, you rarely stepped foot in the park. The pool brought the community together and set the bar very high so that every facility that came after had to be as excellent as the pool, said Morgan Rodgers, Director of Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic, and Cultural Affairs. To learn more about swim passes, classes, camps, and special events, visit