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North Fulton Local Interests




Phase II Funding Approved for Performing Arts Center Feasibility Study in Roswell

The Roswell Arts Fund recently received funding approval from the Roswell Mayor and City Council for the second phase of a Feasibility Study for the construction and operation of a performing arts venue. This study will clarify the ideal size, location and funding opportunities as well as identify potential challenges.

The performing arts center envisioned includes approximately 35,000 to 50,000 square feet to provide for adequate performance, support and public spaces. A main theater would seat approximately 500-1000 people. In addition, a multi-purpose black box would entertain around 200 and serve as a special event location when not in use.

Ideally, the site will be located on the periphery of the Canton Street area, said Jeff Hopkins. This will accomplish several goals related to the project. Perhaps, most importantly, such a site will keep traffic and parking outside of the heart of the restaurant district while creating a bridge between this and other proposed projects in and around Canton Street and the Roswell Square.

If you would like to know more about the Feasibility Study, please contact the Roswell Arts Fund at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit their website,