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North Fulton Local Interests




North Fulton Community Charities Receives 2019 Lighting the Way Award and Grant

Recognized for its generous contributions to the north Fulton area, North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC) was recently awarded a 2019 Lighting the Way Award and $75,000 grant by the SunTrust Foundation.  

The SunTrust Foundations Lighting the Way Awards recognize select nonprofit organizations that work to build self-sufficient families and more financially confident communities through financial education, financial counseling, career readiness/workforce development, and small business/entrepreneurship.  

NFCC is one of 36 nonprofits across the southeast and midwest presented with a 2019 Lighting the Way Award from the SunTrust Foundation, which gave a total of $2.7 million in grants to nonprofits.  

We are very proud of the work we are doing in the NFCC Education Center to pave a path for self-sufficiency for some of our most vulnerable neighbors in the way of GED classes, English language classes, financial literacy, career coaching, and so much more, said NFCC Director of Programs Eden Purdy. This grant from the SunTrust Foundation will allow us to affect more individuals and strengthen our entire community.