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North Fulton Local Interests




Milton’s New Public Safety Complex

Nearly 14 years after the City’s founding, Milton’s Police Department (MPD) and Municipal Court are in their own spacious, state-of-the-art, City-owned location. Milton’s new two-building Public Safety Complex project was finished on time and on budget.

MPD, Municipal Court, and the Milton Fire-Rescue Department’s administration moved into the new Public Safety Complex last month, and firefighters also began operating out of the new Station 44, which adjoins the administration offices.
Until last month, the Milton Municipal Court and Police Department had worked out of rented office suites off Deerfield Parkway, which wasn’t designed explicitly for law enforcement and, thus, came with limitations. Their new location has features like an evidence room, showers, plenty of natural light, and much more.

“This facility truly reflects the professional police services that we strive to provide our citizens each and every day, and we so look forward to sharing this space with our community in the years to come,” said MPD Chief Rich Austin.

Across the parking lot closer to Highway 9 sits the new Fire Station 44, which contains an expansive kitchen and living room, personal bunk rooms, an exercise room, and bay.

The Public Safety Complex was made possible by Milton taxpayers as well as elected officials reflecting citizens’ priorities.