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North Fulton Local Interests




Milton Honors Volunteers of the Year

The City of Milton honored the work of several volunteers recently during its second annual volunteer appreciation luncheon. These hard-working residents ensure everything we do in the City of Milton is well planned, well executed and memorable, said Angela Thompson, special events and projects manager. We couldnt do our jobs as a municipal government without them.

Jack and Francia Lindon, founding members of Milton Grows Green, were honored with the Volunteers of the Year Award. Francia has been instrumental in Milton having earned the Atlanta Regional Commissions CREATE Award and helping Milton become a National Wildlife Federation Community Habitat. She also serves as communications chairwoman and secretary for Milton Grows Green, creating logos, signage, brochures and branding. Jack serves as chairman of Milton Grows Green, organizing household paint and chemical collection events, providing logistics for the annual Earth Day Festival, launching the Adopt A Stream Program, and planning the yearly Rivers Alive cleanups in the fall. The Lindons have volunteered hundreds of hours annually to make the City of Milton a cleaner and greener community, and we are extremely grateful for their efforts, said Cindy Eade, environmental sustainability coordinator.

Others recognized for their volunteer efforts were David Winsness, Parks and Recreation volunteer of the year, and Peyton Jamison, special honoree. In addition, one member from each volunteer board/committee was nominated by the staff liaison as representative of the year: Teri Harrison, Better Together; Paul Moore, Planning Commission; Marty Littleton, Design Review Board; Gary Willis, Board of Zoning Appeals; Travis Allen, Historic Preservation Commission; and Tass Welch, Disability Awareness Committee.