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North Fulton Local Interests




Milton Firefighters Seek Support for Virtual Muscular Dystrophy Association Boot Drive

Every year, Milton firefighters hit the streets with boots in hand, asking generous citizens to chip in a few dollars or even loose change for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). No surprise, this year is different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What hasn’t changed is the Milton Fire-Rescue Department’s earnest commitment to support the MDA. This time, however, citizens won’t be asked to deposit their dollars and dimes in a rubber boot. Instead, they can donate online and by phone. “Our firefighters look forward to the MDA Boot Drive every year. While that can’t happen now, Milton Fire wants to do its part to support this great cause,” said Milton Fire Chief Robert Edgar. “And to make a difference, we need our citizens to step up — just as they have, time and again — to help.” Want to join the campaign and change the lives of those with MDA? Visit, then click “Support Us.” Money raised supports the MDA, which uses it to: Fund research for new treatments Support MDA Care Centers Send children to MDA summer camp For more information about the Muscular Dystrophy Association, visit