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North Fulton Local Interests




Milton Fire-Rescue Department Welcomes Newest Fire Engine

The City of Milton recently welcomed its newest resident, a 2019 Pierce Enforcer Pumper fire engine as part of the Milton Fire-Rescue Department arsenal, with a push-in ceremony. The push-in ceremony is a traditional way to welcome a new fire apparatus to community service.

Years ago, the water pumpers were horse drawn, and when the firefighters returned to the station after responding to a fire, they would have to unhitch them and physically push the pumper back into the station, explained Milton Fire Chief Robert Edgar. A push-in ceremony is a long-standing tradition in fire service.
The Department acquired the new Pierce Enforcer Pumper as part of their overall fleet plan, which was designed to serve the current and future needs of the community. The new pumper will take the place of one of the 2007 engines as a front-line emergency response vehicle. The new engine, which will become the primary response vehicle for Station 41, cost $571,000. The engine it is replacing will be auctioned, and the city anticipates recouping about $100,000.
This is the first of three new engines being purchased to replace those original to the department, which began in 2007. The two additional sister trucks are set to arrive in Milton in the fall. Once they do, one of the original fleet engines will be auctioned, and the other will become a legacy unit and put into reserve status in case of an emergency.
These new engines have additional safety features, such as clean cab technology, which meets the new National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) cancer prevention standard, and is cleaner burning to meet the most recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions standards. They also come equipped with additional airbags.