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North Fulton Local Interests




Milton Development Update

The Crabapple Market Phase III by-right project is part of the Crabapple form-based code and involves three parcels and multiple building permits including a parking deck. Blue stars in the image indicate building permits issued. As you can see from the rendering, the parking deck is not visible, as it is housed on the interior of the development. These projects are part of the continued build-out of downtown Milton and companion developments to the current Crabapple Market. The parcels included in the project sit along Heritage Walk, as you approach the Crabapple roundabout, and the parcel on Heritage, fronting Crabapple Road (where the current gravel parking lot is hosted). It includes retail, office, and residential loft spaces. The developer/owner will also temporarily shift his existing gravel lot to the undeveloped lot located just across from The Green. The lot provides staff parking for the Crabapple Market.

Town Center East (Mayfield Road) is a three-story retail/office project that would be considered by-right as it complies with the Crabapple form-based code requirements. Construction is currently underway. There is a project adjacent to it that involves ongoing work on the lake; these are considered two separate projects.

If you have questions about these or any other building projects in Milton, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..