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North Fulton Local Interests




Mayor Lockwood Awards Proclamation to Milton HS Student

Niraj Jinan, a rising senior at Milton High School, was recently awarded a Proclamation by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Milton. Niraj is an academically gifted teenager who wants to make a difference in his community. Realizing that there are hundreds of children in the north Fulton community who go to bed hungry, he is working with two Fulton County schools and Open Hand Atlanta (a non-profit) to deliver dinner packets to the schools, so children can take them as they leave the campus at the end of the day.

Nirajs goal is to raise $5000 through his GoFundMe page ( to support his efforts of supplying meals to schools. If you would like to help Niraj in the last stretch of his fundraising, please consider donating.