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North Fulton Local Interests




City of Roswell Wins Digital Cities Survey Award

The City of Roswell has been recognized by the Center for Digital Government (CDG) as a 2020 Digital Cities Survey Award winner. Roswell was one of 10 winners in the 75,000-124,999 population category.

Now in its 20th year, the annual national survey recognizes cities that use technology to tackle social challenges, enhance services, and strengthen cybersecurity. For 2020, CDG specifically commended cities using technology to better serve citizens despite challenges triggered by the pandemic.

The City of Roswell was recognized for implementing several innovative technologies. Chief among them is Roswell’s Interactive Budget Book, which provides residents and businesses with a digital experience to explore the City’s finances. The City also provides citizen-centric services via social media that engage residents and local businesses. Roswell’s establishment of a Data Governance structure, a Continuity of Operations Plan, an Emergency Operations Center, Global Information Systems services, and the City’s overall goal to be data-driven were also recognized as part of this award.

“Innovative cities are utilizing technology and analyzing data to better serve their citizens, respond quickly to citizen needs around COVID-19, and support digital experience initiatives,” said Phil Bertolini, co-director, CDG. “The Center for Digital Government congratulates this year’s winners for their hard work and efforts to use technology to enhance citizen interactions with government.”

To explore one of Roswell’s digital innovations — the City’s online, interactive Budget Book — visit