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North Fulton Local Interests




City of Roswell Seeks Resident Input on 2040 Plan

The City of Roswell is in the public input stage of its 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which is a high-level planning document that seeks to unify the direction and policy of economic development, housing, transportation, natural resources, land use, and green space.

The plan will also create visions for some locations throughout the city, so they will better fit market conditions. It all comes down to what residents want in their city, and its never been easier to provide input.

Through a series of online meetings and an online portal, the City will collect resident input on what needs to change and what should stay the same. The online portal allows residents to place pins on a map of the City and give their opinions of what is good, bad, and how it should change. The Citys consultant, Pond and Company, will collect this input and formulate a plan for the future in collaboration with City of Roswell staff.

Every five years, the City updates maps using residents feedback, which then become the basis for future land use and planning. Roswells plan was last updated in 2016.

This is an opportunity to have a say in what your community will look like in the future, said Jackie Deibel, Roswells planning and zoning director. We want residents to give us their input on how they want Roswell to look in 20 years.

Visit to learn more about the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and upcoming meetings, as well as ways to get involved.