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North Fulton Local Interests




City & Nonprofits Awarded AmeriCorps Grant

Governor Nathan Deal recently announced the award of a $74,146 AmeriCorps planning grant to the City of Roswell and nonprofit partners, the STAR House Foundation and the YMCA. The grant will support the organizations efforts to provide more than 500 children in eight Title-I Roswell schools with after-school programs that focus on academic success, physical fitness, and life-skill and character development.

This grant is really impactful because its opening up an enormous amount of possibility for us to serve families who maybe didnt have access to educational support like this before, said Monica Oliveira, executive director of STAR House Foundation, a Roswell-based, year-round nonprofit that offers educational after-school and summer enrichment programming to at-risk children. The grant enables us to provide enhancements to our programs, providing students with additional learning supplies and resources as well as incorporating strengthened evaluation tools to measure student progress.

Scott Doll, executive director of the Ed Isakson YMCA, stated, Many of these schools that we serve have populations that are less advantaged and have less opportunity than others in our community, and the AmeriCorps grant offers us an unprecedented opportunity to invest more than weve been able to traditionally.