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North Fulton Local Interests




Alpharetta Legionnaires Send 10,000th Package to Troops

For 16 years, Alpharetta American Legion Post 201 has supported Americas Combat and Support Units in war zones.

Recently, the Legion dispatched its 10,000th package to brave men and women in uniform on the front lines in the Global War on Terror. Each package contains items such as nonperishable foods, snacks, magazines, books, toiletries, and other items that are difficult to acquire.

Post Commander Pete Esker commended Legionnaire Steve Olesnevich, who serves as chairman of the posts package program, for his steadfast commitment to showing our military members that they have the support of the folks back home.

Area merchants have been generous in donating items for soldiers, but the cost of postage (about $18.50/per package) limits the posts ability to increase the quantity of packages going to Iraq and Afghanistan. Auxiliary member Carol Norman donated postage for the most recent mailing.

Anyone wishing to support the program may send a tax-deductible contribution to:

Care Package Fund
American Legion Post 201
201 Wills Road
Alpharetta, Georgia 30009