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Alpharetta Convention and Visitors Bureau Awarded Three MarCom Awards

The Alpharetta Convention and Visitors Bureau is excited to announce that it has recently won three MarCom Awards. The Bureau received two Gold Awards for its Alpharetta Insider blog and Experience Awesome in 60 Seconds video as well as Honorable Mention for its 2017 Official Visitors Guide to Alpharetta, Georgia.

MarCom is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious creative competitions in the world, recognizing outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of marketing and communication materials and programs. Over six thousand entries are submitted throughout the world from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers.

Winners are selected from over 300 categories in print, web, video, and strategic communications by industry professional judges who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.

MarCom is sponsored and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), a 23-year-old international organization consisting of several thousand creative professionals.