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North Fulton Local Interests




Corporations Support Local Seniors at 2nd Annual Claws for a Cause

Local businesses recently teamed up with newly opened 6 Bridges Brewing in Johns Creek to sponsor Claws for a Cause, a crawfish and shrimp boil benefiting Senior Services North Fulton. The event raised money for Meals on Wheels and a transportation program that helps get homebound seniors in north Fulton to their medical appointments.

Nutritious food and regular visits to the doctor make a big impact on the health and well-being of our senior population, said Ron Harlow, executive director for Senior Services North Fulton, which relies on corporate partnerships to keep its programs and services running at no cost to clients and without wait lists.

The event raised enough money to provide over 1,200 meals to hungry seniors, or almost 90 round-trip rides to medical appointments.

We appreciate these companies for sharing in our vision of a community where ALL older adults are revered, cared for, and supported to live meaningful and productive lives, Harlow said.

To donate or learn more about Senior Services North Fulton, visit, or call