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Writing the Perfect Advertorial

An advertorial is an advertisement in the format of editorial content. Advertorials are found in printed media and are designed to look like independent news articles. The goal of advertorials is to interest readers by presenting them with an ad that seems more like a press release. An advertorial is a great way to start an advertising campaign. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Advertorials give you the opportunity to tell readers what sets you apart from your competitors.

Tips for Creating an Advertorial

  • Have your ad printed in publications that specifically reach your target audience.
  • Ensure you have a very talented writer.
  • Consider the time of year in which you plan to have your article published.
  • Be subtle about the fact that it is a paid advertisement. People are more likely to find it legitimate if it reads more like a news article than an ad (refer to the second bullet point).
  • Remember to keep it interesting. You need to be informative, but ultimately, the goal is to ensure the readers remember your business and are motivated to seek further engagement.
  • Research the magazine or newspaper that your advertorial in which your advertorial is being printed. It is important to know what that publication stands for, who they typically target, and what kind of tone they present.
  • Create an interesting headline. Since advertorials are usually composed of many words and few or no pictures, it can be difficult to grab the reader’s attention enough that they want to read more. An exciting headline is the best way to catch the reader’s attention quickly.
  • Don’t use too many images. An advertorial is a great opportunity to tell the deeper story behind your product/business. Unless a picture is significantly supporting and improving the story, it’s not necessary.
Family Life Publication’s introductory offer includes a complimentary space for an advertorial on your business to jumpstart your advertising campaign. Contact Janet Ponichtera at 770-213-7095 for more details.

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