By Candice on Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Category: Capitol Ideas

Working with Your Legislator

When I began chatting with folks about running for the newly created House District 23, many urged me to stay in Cherokee County. They felt it very important that I remain connected to the district that I was to represent. To that end, I commute to Atlanta when the Legislature is in session. During the chaos that is Session for the General Assembly, I am often buried under a hail of emails, phone calls, and meeting request by voters from across the state hoping to influence our votes on one issue or another. During the next three months we’ll have an endless series of committee meetings and we will debate hundreds of bills. In all of this madness it is easy for legislators to lose track of an issue or to miss an email, as mailboxes are flooded by form letters and automated emails. And while there is nothing wrong with these forms of communication, they can be supplemented to be more effective.

To make your communications stand out from the crowd it is important to build a relationship with your representatives. Most of us are more than happy to meet with constituents outside of session and we genuinely want to hear what people in our district think. It is much easier for legislators to give your issues the attention they deserve when you’re not pressed up against a 40-day deadline. Also when sifting through hundreds of emails during session a familiar name is more likely to stand out and gets more consideration than the one that reads, “Sent on behalf of Concerned Citizen by Specific Group.”

Additionally social media is a great way for people to follow what we’re doing and let us know what you think about the issues being discussed. A large number of legislators use social media as away to keep in touch with constituents. Both the House and Senate offer live streams of the floor during session allowing people to watch votes and debates as they happen, both on the Floor and in Committees.

Another way to help make connections with your legislators is by making yourself a resource to them. If you have a particular interest in one subject matter or another you can work to educate yourself about that issue and then bring what you’ve learned to your representative. Bringing research, from creditable sources, to legislators allows us to become familiar with topics that might be new to us.

Nevertheless, if there is issues that you need to talk to a legislator about don’t hesitate to call, email, or stop in to our offices. Contact information for every member of the General Assembly can be found at www.Legis.Ga.Gov, at the same link you can also find the streams live of both legislative bodies. The legislative process works best when we have an engaged and informed electorate. As Thomas Jefferson said, “The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.” Keep this in mind as we work to ensure that our government governs in the interest of the people.