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City of Woodstock’s FY2023 Budget Illuminates Priorities

 Each year, the most important duty of Woodstock's City Council is the adoption of a fiscally responsible, balanced budget, which was completed on June 13. I signed the ordinance to provide for our FY2023 Budget, and its execution took effect July 1, 2022, and will end June 30, 2023. I'm proud that Woodstock continues to assess some of the low...

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  549 Hits

Lemonade Day A Lesson in Entrepreneurship

As the mayor of Woodstock, and Woodstock's former member of the Georgia House of Representatives, I have had the honor of serving our families in two different elected roles that are (very intentionally) part-time. In my opinion, citizen legislators and citizen mayors make for better public servants. Keeping these roles part-time, and paying them c...

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  481 Hits

Woodstock’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan

In 2021, the downtown Woodstock shopping district had more than three million visitors, which ranks it among the most frequented downtowns in the southeastern U.S., and it ranks the center of our city as the No. 1 destination in Cherokee County. We have built a place where people from all around the nation want to be. With Woodstock's popularity, m...

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State of the City Recap

As Woodstock's new mayor, one of my first official duties was to present the State of the City Address to our council and the public. My speech highlighted that our city is leading from a position of strength. With publications like and Money Magazine ranking Woodstock among the best places to live in America, calling us one ...

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Drinking From a Firehose

In 2013, when I first began serving in the Georgia House of Representatives, I was often asked how things were going. "I feel like I am drinking from a firehose," was my consistent response. Today, as the 31st mayor of the City of Woodstock, that phrase feels more appropriate than ever. This year, I was sworn in as Woodstock's first new mayor in 16...

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Meet the William G. Long Senior Center’s New Coordinator

A new Senior Center coordinator joined the Woodstock Parks and Recreation team this past October. Julie Markley is a recent transplant from Fort Worth, Texas, where she owned an ice cream business called Gypsy Scoops. Before that, she worked in economic development and tourism for the Six Points Urban Village. Markley is a graduate of the Universit...

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  986 Hits

Dear neighbors and friends,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for selecting me to serve as the 31st mayor of the City of Woodstock. I am grateful, and I intend to give it my all.For the past several years, you have provided me with the opportunity to serve as our community's voice in the Georgia House of Representatives, which has been a truly humbling honor. During my ti...

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A Wild Ride

It has been 20 years folks: four years as a councilmember and 16 years as mayor. It's time to step back and evaluate what I'm going to do in full retirement. I retired from Northside Hospital in 2018. I feel confident that the City of Woodstock will be in great shape. Mayor Elect Michael Caldwell is going through a four-month "training" period to b...

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Holiday Safety Tips From City of Woodstock

City of Woodstock Police Department and City of Woodstock Fire and Rescue have some tips to help you keep your loved ones and your property safe this holiday season. Taking the time to think through scenarios related to holiday shopping and trimming the tree can make a big difference.∗ Check the water in live Christmas trees daily. Dried-out trees ...

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  621 Hits

Hub Transformation Project Begins in Downtown Woodstock

Last month, the City of Woodstock announced that the construction award for the Hub Transformation Project has been awarded to Baldwin Paving. This project, which encompasses several smaller improvements throughout the downtown area, will positively impact traffic movements and pedestrian mobility throughout the central business district. One of th...

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  625 Hits

City of Woodstock Celebrates Georgia Cities Week

 During the week of October 3-9, Woodstock will join other cities throughout the state in celebrating Georgia Cities Week. These seven days were set aside to recognize the many services city governments provide and their contribution to a better quality of life in Georgia. This year's theme, "Shaping the Future," reflects the role cities play ...

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City of Woodstock 9/11 Day of Remembrance

This year marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. At 7:00pm on September 11, in The Park at City Center, the City of Woodstock will remember those we lost 20 years ago and honor our first responders — police, fire, and emergency personnel — as well as the service men and women who continue to serve, fight, and sacrifice for our freedom and safety. Sinc...

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National Night Out 2021

 The Woodstock Police Department, in partnership with other local public safety agencies, joins forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the annual National Night Out, which will be held on Tuesday, August 3, from 6:00-9:00pm, in The Park at City Center (101 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock). National Night Out is designed to heighten cr...

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  716 Hits

Celebrate Independence Day in Woodstock!

Since July 4 falls on a Sunday this year, Independence Day will be observed on Monday, July 5, by the federal government and by the State of Georgia. Annual observances in the City of Woodstock will take place on July 5 as well. Local celebrations will include a parade, a festival, and fireworks at dusk. Monday - July 5, 2021Freedom Run - 7:15am Th...

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Father’s Day Ideas for Woodstock Dads

This month, we celebrate Father's Day, which provides children of all ages the opportunity to show extra love for their dads. There are lots of different types of fathers, so there are countless ways to make them feel special. Here are some ideas to celebrate the most popular types of fathers in Woodstock.The DowntownerThe downtown dad always has t...

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  995 Hits

Maintaining Excellence in Holly Springs

The City of Holly Springs has been awarded funding to complete Phase III of its Holly Springs Parkway Widening Project from the State Road and Tollway Authority through the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank. Phase III, identified as a priority in the City's most recent 5-year Capital Improvement Plan, will widen Holly Springs Parkway from ...

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Introducing City of Woodstock Podcast

 Woodstock's city seal says, "Our Story Crafted By Your Dreams." The City of Woodstock was inspired to launch a podcast because the format is such a wonderful way to share a story. Through The City of Woodstock Podcast, we are telling the stories behind the initiatives, events, and policies that make this the community of our residents' dreams...

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Woodstock’s Exciting Upcoming Events

The staff of the city's official destination marketing organization, Visit Woodstock GA, has brainstormed and come up with a series of events for 2021 that are meant to keep people moving throughout downtown Woodstock, as they enjoy the thriving business community while remaining safe and socially distanced. Some events, like Friday Night Live, will not occur this year but will be replaced with less congested, more purposeful programming.

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Do You Have a Leaky House?

The average family wastes nearly 10,000 gallons of water per year due to household leaks. That's the amount of water it takes to wash 300 loads of laundry. Leaks could be costing you an additional 10% on your water bill.

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Woodstock — Georgia’s Best Galentine’s Day Destination

Though Galentine's Day is a made-up holiday championed by a fictional character, we think Leslie Knope from NBC's Parks and Recreation would find Woodstock to be the perfect place to celebrate female friendships. According to Knope, "Every February 13, my lady friends and I leave our husbands and our boyfriends at home, and we just come and kick it, breakfast-style, ladies celebrating ladies. It's like Lilith Fair, minus the angst. Plus — frittatas."

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