By Senator Kay Kirkpatrick on Monday, 17 July 2023
Category: Senator Kay Kirkpatrick

What Do Legislators Do When Not in General Assembly?

Now that the Georgia General Assembly is not in session, many other activities have begun. Most legislators are enjoying some well-deserved time off with their families and getting caught up on normal job responsibilities in this nonelection year.

Additionally, there are annual meetings for many legislative groups such as the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC), the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). These meetings are attended by legislators from around the country, as information is shared about legislation in other states. I serve on the health committee for the SLC, and I also serve on the health committee and the Opioid Fellows Taskforce for the NCSL.

Many boards and commissions meet throughout the year, as well. Several weeks ago, I was proud to represent Dobbins Air Reserve Base the Georgia Joint Defense Commission meeting.

Also, the study committees developed during the legislative session have been appointed, and many have begun meeting. The Senate and House each have their own committees, and some are joint with members from both chambers. A list of committees can be found at

I serve on three Senate committees including the one that I chair on Foster Care and Adoption. I also serve on the Certificate of Need Reform and the Rural Hospital Personnel Recruitment committees.

The tax Credit Review Committee and the committees studying the state's workforce are also receiving a lot of attention. These committees are important because the 40-day legislative session is very compressed, so there is little time for deep dives into complicated subjects. Study committees make recommendations about changes to consider during the next legislative session.

Since many constituent questions arise throughout the year, legislative staff members work full time year-round. Please contact my office if we can be of any service.