By Steven Miller on Monday, 23 December 2019
Category: Canton Notes

Update on the Holly Springs Town Center Project

I love when I have been assisting business owners, community activists, or residents over the phone or by email with a problem they are having, and then I finally get to meet them in person. There is just something about putting a face with a name that brings to life whatever project or problem we were working on together.

Over the past several years, the staff at the City of Holly Springs has been keeping citizens abreast of every step taken, as we get closer to breaking ground on the Town Center Project. In 2020, years of behind-the-scenes planning and preparing will finally give way to visible progress on this much anticipated project in downtown Holly Springs. I am happy to finally put faces with some of the names you have been hearing about for so long.

During the meeting last October, the City Council approved proposals based on the renderings shown for the new City Hall; the mixed-use structures; and the amphitheater stage, dressing rooms, restrooms, and pavilions of the Town Center Project. Caldwell-Cline Architects and Designers will oversee the preliminary design, design development, and construction management of these structures.

The new City Hall will be a three-story structure between 20,000 and 24,000 square feet and will house all the administrative functions of the City. The mixed-use structures will be composed of restaurant and retail space on the ground floor, with two stories of residential units above.

I know many of you are familiar with the road construction taking place near Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services Station 8 on Hickory Road. We look forward to that project’s completion this summer.

In addition to a second western travel lane on Hickory Road, the elimination of the stop sign on Hickory Road east of the railroad, and the conversion of the intersection of Palm Street at Hickory Road to a right-in/right-out configuration, the real stunner of the project will be the beautiful clock tower situated in the middle of the roundabout. I believe the clock tower, which was designed by Caldwell-Cline Architects and Designers, will become one of the most beloved structures in Holly Springs.