By Candice on Monday, 20 February 2017
Category: Publisher's Perspective

The Lucky Season

March is upon us; the early blossoms are sprouting from their twiggy branches, and the fields are greening with lush grasses and young clover. Soon, my backyard will be hopping with rabbits, and a few young deer will eventually appear and provide quick sprints of joy for my dog, Riley, each time she steps out for a walk. One of my simple pleasures is relaxing in a cool pad of clover, reflecting on my day and enjoying the new evening sun after a day on Main Street. After a few years of running my fingers through many hundreds of clusters of clover in my yard, I have resigned myself that there are none of the four-leaf variety taking up residence there. Truth be known, I feel lucky even in their absence, which has me generally questioning this whole “luck” thing.

What is “luck” anyway? In searching the origins of this mysterious, non-thing “luck,” I find it odd there was no luck before the mid-fifteenth century, and oddly, history tells us that much of what we know about life back then didn’t seem so lucky for most, but luckily for us, many had the determination and ability to overcome their trials and tribulations. We hear people wishing for luck to be good, wanting more, praising it, thanking their lucky stars, admiring their own or coveting the luck of others. We envy the perception of “lady luck’s” presence or admonish the existence of her nasty twin, “bad luck.” However, some believe bad luck isn’t anything but the absence of good luck or “luck” in general, right? That’s why, personally, I cannot wrap my head around the whole “luck” thing.

We never grow wiser from being lucky. We grow from hard work, determination, preparation and perseverance. Being alert, taking more chances and being ready to recognize and take advantage of your opportunities is what manifests “luck.” With any luck at all, we’ll be happier, better and more fulfilled when we all realize just how lucky we are to be celebrating life each day. In the words of Mother Teresa, “Life is Luck.” Wishing you the best this day.