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The Gift of Life

Happy New Year! It has been an honor and privilege to serve Woodstock and Cherokee County the past 9 years. Last November, we completed the special redistricting legislative session to redraw the maps based on the new population census. I am proud of our work, and the new maps can be found at

On January 10, we begin the 2022 legislative session with a busy agenda. I am sponsoring several important bills. In Georgia, we balance our budget every year and have no deficit or debt, and we have our lowest unemployment rate in history. We are the best of all the large states and top 10 in the nation. I am working hard with my colleagues and Gov. Brian Kemp to keep Georgia No. 1.

One important bill I authored is the "Giving the Gift of Life Act" to help Georgians who need organ transplants. The legislation has three parts, which protects living donors from losing or being denied life insurance, raises the tax credit to $25,000, and provides a tax credit for businesses to assist employees with organ donation. This legislation will save lives and be the greatest return on investment in fiscal history. Together, we can get the transplant waiting list down to zero and save thousands of lives. You can donate a kidney or portion of your liver while living as well as donate organs after you die. To learn more, please visit

Organ donation is very personal to me. In August of 2020, my older son, Will, was rushed to the hospital, and we quickly learned he was in kidney failure. We almost lost him, and we are so grateful to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Northside Hospital Cherokee. Praise the Lord; he survived! Unfortunately, he needed to go on dialysis at the young age of 24 years old. Our world was forever changed, and the impact was substantial for Will and our family.

I vividly remember Will and I walking into Emory Hospital very early on July 21. A few weeks earlier, we had received the incredible news that I was a match to donate a kidney. We had been navigating the most difficult year of our lives, and I was so grateful to be at this moment. I asked everyone to please pray for Will, me, our family, and the medical staff. The outpouring of prayers, support, and positive messages from all over the world was humbling and tremendous. The sense of peace (Philippians 4:6-7) was a true gift from God as well as the many angels he sent along the way to light a path and help us.

We kept our situation quiet for a long time, but ultimately decided to share the story to inspire people to learn about kidney disease, get tested if they are feeling ill, support those in need, and become educated about becoming a transplant donor. We know God has a plan, and our mission is to share our experience and serve others.

God is good, all the time, and we are truly blessed. Will and I both recovered quickly and are doing great. He fully accepted my kidney, and the future is very bright. It's important to learn your family history. If I can be of any service to you, please let me know. 

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