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The First Term of the 155th General Assembly

The first term of the 155th General Assembly is well underway, and we hit the ground running. With a new governor, lieutenant governor, and secretary of state, we are starting the 2019 Legislative Session with a fresh slate. So far, I have already introduced two new pieces of legislation, Senate Bill 15 and Senate Resolution 12. Both pieces of legislation address an issue of utmost importance to all Georgians: school safety. Both were drafted from recommendations gathered by the Senate School Safety Study Committee that I chaired during the 2018 interim.I was reappointed chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee and am proud to begin work this session. SB 15, the “Keeping Georgia’s Schools Safe Act,” will address the offenses of minors in possession of a firearm, focus on data sharing through the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center, and create a statewide requirement for schools to employ threat assessment measures. These measures include conducting drills and providing coaching for students and teachers as well as training teachers or staff about the appropriate action to take when a threat is believed to be present. This will increase preparedness in schools while making it easier for teachers to identify when and where they should report certain threats.

SR 12 would allocate funds from an ESPLOST for school safety measures such as security and mental health counselors. This is a fiscally responsible way to use funds that we already have for much needed security and prevention measures in schools.

I am also honored to serve as a senator under our new governor: Brian P. Kemp. Recently, Governor Kemp held the annual State of the State Address where he discussed his top priorities as Georgia’s new leader. It’s always refreshing to hear that some of the most vital priorities are consistent among leaders and legislators in our state.

In addition to school safety and the proposed $69 million in funding for school security and mental health counselors statewide, Governor Kemp discussed several issues related to public safety. Of his top priorities, cracking down on gang violence and drug trafficking are two necessary, and timely, measures. With Georgia’s economic stability and growth, more and more people and events have been drawn to the state. Events bring many positive things to the list of reasons to live, work, and raise a family in Georgia, but they often bring safety concerns as well. I look forward to addressing these issues to ensure that as our state grows, it remains safe.

Governor Kemp also discussed broadband access and the expansion of health care in rural Georgia. It is important to ensure that while urban parts of the state grow and thrive, rural areas are not being ignored. This issue is incredibly important to me and so many Georgians, and I am pleased to hear that Governor Kemp’s beliefs align with my own.

Now that much of our mandatory business has been taken care of, we can really start the legislative process. We know full well how great Georgia is, but there is always room for growth. We will face some challenges this session, but I’m confident with strong leadership and the goals we have set, good work will be accomplished for the betterment of all Georgians.

Rattling Through the Quarter
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