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Roswell's Positive Progress

To say 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement. In these unprecedented times, your health, safety, and welfare will always be my top priority. With your help, the City of Roswell staff has worked diligently to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community, and we are working with federal, state, and local officials to facilitate a successful come back in 2021.

Though everyone has been affected by the pandemic and its months of quarantining and mandatory shutdowns, our business community has been hit especially hard, which is why I created the Business Recovery Task Force made up of local business owners, Roswell Inc., and the Convention and Visitors Bureau. This group has been working to create business opportunities and make suggestions on how to do business differently to make it through these trying times.

One of the initiatives created by the task force is the Come Back Safely Pledge Campaign. The pledge is a promise from businesses, residents, and visitors to assure their neighbors they will take necessary precautions like sanitizing hands, following physical-distancing guidelines, wearing masks, and staying home when feeling ill. These precautions will slow the spread of the virus, which will help build confidence in returning safely to Roswell's businesses. If you haven't taken the pledge yet, please do so at Your support will help Roswell businesses that are working hard to survive this pandemic.

Another positive step was the collaborative effort among Fulton County mayors in securing more CARES Act funding. Together, we were able to increase funding for Fulton County cities from $2.4 million to $25 million. Roswell's share was increased from approximately $390,000 to more than $3.9 million. This effort helped strengthen the relationship among mayors in our county, encouraging us to work together on other initiatives for our citizens.

Also, COVID-19 has not stopped the City from delivering the high-quality services residents enjoy, and projects begun before the virus hit have continued. Docs Cafe is one of those projects. Last year, I was at an event at Barrington Hall with Pastor Sabin Strickland, who told me that Doc's Cafe was the first Roswell restaurant to allow African American diners. The City is relocating this important piece of history to 726 Pleasant Hill Street and will eventually open it to the public.

Southern Post Project Update
The developer has obtained a land disturbance permit for the Southern Post project on SR 9 (aka the Southern Skillet property), and has already removed existing buildings. Four building permits are in the review process, and the developer is waiting on approval before beginning excavations required for construction. As with many projects, the pandemic has slowed its start. Several retail and office space tenants have already signed leases, and the developer is in discussions with other future tenants. Construction is expected to begin sometime in the first quarter of 2021.

Like all of you, I look forward to eventually returning to normal activities. I hope we will be able to do that in the coming year. As we look forward to the holiday season, I wish you and your family health, peace, and prosperity. Together, we will make 2021 a better, stronger year for the Roswell community.

Building Our Character
Recent Developments in Holly Springs