By Brooke Schmidt on Thursday, 16 November 2023
Category: Canton Notes

Recapping Canton’s Successful Progress

Hi, everyone! 
Thank you so much for supporting me and following along since 2019. My election to this current mayor and Canton City Council team has had impactful meaning for Canton and its future. Together with residents, business owners, and other stakeholders, we have worked to reveal what happens when local, nonpartisan leaders put politics aside and strive for more connected neighborhoods, celebrate diverse communities, advance economic development, enhance historic downtown Canton, promote sustainability, provide improved parks and recreational opportunities, and improve infrastructure.

With politics not standing in the way of achievement, our team has collaborated on major initiatives that better Canton including the sale and redevelopment of the Jones Mercantile building, launch of a tourism/economic development program, completion of a transportation plan, work on a specific downtown transportation plan, increased pay for City employees, public safety improvements, planning for the first park ever in south Canton, and so much more – all without raising our historically low millage rate and while completing the largest infrastructure improvements in Canton's history.

Despite all this success for everyone who loves Canton and for this team, as well as my own pride in the meaningful legacy our adopted public art master plan leaves, this will be my last Canton Family Life column, as my term comes to an end. But no worries — I'll see you in 2024 to celebrate the trails we've blazed together during the last four years.

Speaking of trails, the massive Etowah River Trail project to connect Boling Park to Heritage Park (and on to I-575) has required more site work and stabilization than anticipated, but when it's completed later in 2024, it will be worth the wait – and include a pedestrian bridge over the Etowah River to The Mill's mixed-use development. Walkability and connectivity, as promised, in the #CoolestSmallTownInAmerica. Also, don't forget that Canton's oldest park – Harmon – just reopened. Check out Atlanta United's mini-pitch and take a stroll along the new sidewalks. I can't wait to continue walking with you all in new ways, as we welcome the New Year.

Again, no words can share my gratitude for your support and belief in what a determined mom and editor could do for you and for our town. I believe I've accomplished all 
we talked about through that first campaign, and I hope you're thrilled with the way we tackled the nuts and bolts of government, using principles of kindness and connectivity.

Although I am stepping away from Canton City Council for now, your involvement is more important than ever. Continue to let our elected officials know that you want Canton to be a destination that families want to come to live, work, and play because of the way it values all people and the arts – because it is a true "place." Never forget that, as the incomparable Mayor Bill Grant says, you are cocreators in the future of our community. Please continue in kindness.