By FLP Staff on Monday, 19 November 2018
Category: Publisher's Perspective

The Joy of Unwrapping Wonderful Gifts

It’s almost time for me to start wrapping presents. I’ll get on that as soon as I get past the annual procrastination of actually finding gifts. I’m not totally behind, as I’ve a few tucked away already. But I must admit, my ever-evolving virtual list includes many unpurchased gifts that linger still. Then comes wrapping day, which is all too often Christmas Eve at my house.Looking back to my modest childhood, my family always managed to make wrapping presents fun. In the days of the comic strips, some of my fondest memories were reading the “funny papers” (used as gift wrap) while turning, weighing, and shaking presents in an attempt to gain a clue to what surprises may be inside. Our family from “the city” always wrapped the most beautiful gifts with decorative labels, curly streamers, and big lacy bows that were always a joy to admire. Of course, it didn’t matter what the boxes looked like. The size, sound, and distribution of weight in a gift was rarely indicative of what was inside, yet every present got a sensory inspection before the paper was peeled back for the reveal.

Like children examining gifts on Christmas morning, we all too often try to figure out what is within other people by their wrappings: their clothes, cars, neighborhoods, skin color, or jobs. As unfortunate as it is, we sometimes find ourselves sticking on labels without a thorough examination or relying on ill-conceived perceptions of how we initially felt. Quite often, when we put forth the effort, what we discover comes as quite a surprise.

Think about that this holiday season, if you would. It’s important for us to start really looking inside ourselves before we begin judging what may be under the surface of others. Once we get beyond looking with our eyes and start seeing with our hearts, everyone we meet is seen more as we should see them — a truly beautiful gift. Let your love for other people shine first from inside of you. It’s that love, the light of the spirit you find reflected in others, that is sure to brighten not only this wonderful time of year, but each and every day in your life ahead. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you! God Bless.