By Candice on Friday, 24 July 2015
Category: Publisher's Perspective

One Nation...

If you’re reading this right now, you are probably aware that there is a quite a bit going on within our country today. Since I’m not one to go on about bad stuff, hop on the rhetoric wagon or throw folks under the bus, there really isn’t any need to list specifics. On occasion, I admit that I might slip up, take a side or voice an opinion based on how the past has formed my view of a particular, random event or happening in the world around me. It happens. It’s life.

From the social network view, I’ve noticed that some of those close to me and others within their network can be wildly outspoken. Friends I’ve known for years are popping out with ideologies on topics that I honestly had no idea were ever a concern to them. Has all this “stuff” just been lingering around within people’s heads all this time? Have we allowed our feelings and emotions to curdle to the point that we are all so sour and bitter inside? If that’s the case, then let it out people. Shout it from the pulpits, the corners of the street, and let your voices be heard. Let honesty flow, let everyone else know how you feel, and let freedom ring.

Be prepared, too. For certainly there will be some who feel the way you do and undoubtedly, some who will not. Be prepared to be empathetic to their feelings, as well. Listen to them, understand that they too have a story, and realize that your individual past and your particular knowledge do not have anything to do with how they formed their particular opinion. They have a right to that opinion, just as you have a right to yours.

Let’s not provoke any more shouting, yelling and disrespect, but try to rinse such acridity away with forgiveness, faith and fellowship. It’s time to unite with caring and compassion as a country of many voices, opinions, ideals and concerns, with the understanding that we are all different, yet created equal. It’s never too late to be one nation, under God…again.