By Candice on Friday, 23 September 2016
Category: Publisher's Perspective

October 2016

Recently, I have started waking up before my alarm goes off in the morning. Now, this used to happen from time-to-time; however, I now find myself staying up and getting started on the tasks of the day. Being blessed with more time early in the waking day allows me the opportunity to get through my “to-dos” as well as more time to enjoy doing less obligatory items that may exist or cross my path. It has been brought to my attention that I appear to stretch myself a little thin, so I’ve promised to work on that by better prioritizing my tasks.

It is really important to get a handle on the truth when taking some weight off your shoulders; understanding that even though we cannot please everyone, we still have daily chances to be a blessing to many. If we actually take the time to think about the right path and act as the hands and feet of God, or if we seriously consider, “What would Jesus do?” in all of life’s circumstances, we’ll find contentment in the knowledge that we did things for the right reasons, regardless of popular opinion. Strive to be excellent; perfection isn’t obtainable.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right — for you will be criticized anyway.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

If we always try to please others, we may find that we often go stumbling down a path of stress and failure. With all the options, conveniences, communication and networks that are constantly available to us, we can easily become overwhelmed when trying to make everyone happy. My mother once told me, “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” Just remember that the reason we do what we do should be for His glory, not our own. Being an example that others can follow may be the best way to invite company to join us on the road less travelled.