By Steven Miller on Monday, 24 May 2021
Category: Canton Notes

Maintaining Excellence in Holly Springs

The City of Holly Springs has been awarded funding to complete Phase III of its Holly Springs Parkway Widening Project from the State Road and Tollway Authority through the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank. Phase III, identified as a priority in the City's most recent 5-year Capital Improvement Plan, will widen Holly Springs Parkway from Ronnell Road to Childers Road. Like Phases I and II, Phase III will include the installation of a raised grassy median, with curbs and gutters, 5-foot sidewalks, and pedestrian lighting. At its completion, the Holly Springs Parkway Widening Project will improve pedestrian connectivity throughout the city and will also improve commuter access to local businesses and reduce demand on I-575.

In March, the City was notified that its 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) qualified for recognition by the Government Finance Officers Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. The City of Holly Springs has received this recognition annually since 2012. You may view previous years' awards at any time by visiting the City's website.

Also, Holly Springs has been named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in recognition of its commitment to effective urban forest management. To receive this prestigious honor, the City had to meet the program's four requirements: developing or maintaining a tree board or department and tree care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation. The City has received this recognition since 2018.

I would like to welcome the new members of our community boards. In January, Mike Grayeski, owner of SafeWise Electric, began his service on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Pamela Shurmantine and Mandy Lynn, both Holly Springs residents, began their service on the Tree Commission in January and April respectively.

If you are interested in serving on a community board, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we will send you an application. Applications are accepted on a continual basis. As positions become available, a City staff member will contact you.