By FLP Staff on Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Live a Thankful Life

With the cool fall breezes finally upon us, and the scent of leaves in the air, we can peacefully reflect on our year. Our ups and downs, the lessons and wisdom we’ve harvested from both challenges and successes are all reason to give thanks for the blessing of just being able to keep on keeping on each day. We’ve seen some unusual events and activity these past several months, and in turn, we have witnessed some amazing feats of recovery, rebuilding, and restoration within our communities, neighbors, and ourselves. I’m thankful for that.Our plan at Family Life Publications for the upcoming year is to remain dedicated in service to our business partners and organizations. We plan to grow together within our communities by staying actively involved and speaking out for those in need. We are grateful for the chance to be part of positive change.

Personally, I’ve been busy with some restructuring of my own. God has graced me and others close to me with the chance to get our acts together, and He has given us an opportunity to become closer to who He intended us to be. By keeping a positive outlook, a genuine spirit, and a straightforward attitude, we can accomplish anything when we give our troubles over to Him. That is one blessing we may never be able to show thanks for enough, but we should never stop trying.

What else makes us thankful? Our art director, Candice Williams, is due to expand her family with a new baby girl this month, and we are super excited. Candice has been influential from our humble beginnings in giving our magazines the look and feel that sets them apart in our market. She will be missed. Here at Family Life Publications, we are family first, and we’re happy for her and her family.