By FLP Staff on Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Category: Publisher's Perspective

July 2016

Ever since I was a young boy, dreams have been interesting and intriguing to me. Seldom do I recall dreams I have while sleeping; however, on occasion, I may wake in the night to revisit a dream I’ve just had. As early as fourth grade, my most memorable, recurring dream would be the one of flying from the second story balcony of a large concrete building, drifting in the wind like a well-piloted kite, soaring above misty mountain tops and the still waters of a vast lake.

Years passed, but the first day of my senior year at Etowah High, in Mrs. Kit Miller’s homeroom, while taking photos for the yearbook company, I walked out onto that very same large, beige balcony. Before my eyes, were those mountain ridges, and just over the hills, Lake Allatoona reached out into her valleys. In some way, at that very moment, I was completely aware that my personal journey had begun.

My belief is that our minds still work as we sleep, organizing and defragmenting our days to prepare us for what may be over the horizon. Some of the best things in my life have had an air of déjà vu about them. Often, we get a subconscious spark as we rest, which may ignite a fire — a pilot light within us; a flame that forges our perceptions of whatever circumstances may be before us that fuels the day ahead.

When people are smiling and seem to be enjoying their life, I admire and respect them for doing what gives them joy. When a person is doing what they love and making good happen in place, wherever and whenever that may be, that is the sweetest success. It is heartwarming, and we, too, feel the glow. Be glad for them, and feel blessed enough to be a witness. Happiness, after all, is of what the best dreams are made.