By Candice on Thursday, 25 June 2015
Category: Publisher's Perspective

July 2015

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” — George S. Patton

Sometimes we find ourselves burdened with worry and feel like we are walking about with a dark cloud bearing down on us, feeling the pressure of an impending storm. We’ve all been there. We’re often challenged by an obligation, oppression or something else we perceive as ominous. We find ourselves drenched in worry, paralyzed with inaction, at the edge of fear, dizzied and confused.

There may be occasions where certain events find us, collectively or separately, heart wrenched over what we’re going to do next. It could be that you’ve found yourself at a crossroads, a cliff or other concern. You know it’s time for a change. You aren’t alone. All around us are those who have overcome great obstacles. They have changed their life or the course of history by standing up for what is right, creating a movement by simply being the pebble that birthed the ripple that grew into a wave and became a force.

Each one of us has a daily opportunity to be a hero. It may not be slaying a dragon, it could just be helping a turtle cross the street, opening a door for someone burdened or helping a child learn to swim or ride a bike. Perhaps something you feel is, “larger than” is upon you in your life and it’s your move. Say your prayer, listen and find your inner peace, gather your strength. Whatever Goliath you may find yourself or someone else up against, take a breath, grab your pebble and make a difference.