By Candice on Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Category: Publisher's Perspective

January 2018

Well, I hope everyone is finished with their to-do lists from 2017 because like it or not, the new year is upon us. With challenges and changes of her own, the upcoming year promises to keep us on our toes and ready for action. Best to not be too concerned or anxious about it, the only thing we can do is be prepared. So, get ready now; get pumped up — here it comes.

Sometimes, when it seems like we have so many things on our plate, we may find ourselves wondering if we can possibly handle anything else. We will make mistakes. We will fail and falter. That is when we must reach into our bag of tricks, pull out our faith card, and make things happen. It is exercise that makes our bodies healthier and more fit. In that same fashion, our faith also gets stronger when we exercise it and lift our problems up.

We all have been blessed with the tools we need to get through this journey: Faith, Hope, and Love. No one ever said life was going to be easy, and honestly, we would probably just get bored with it. Let’s look forward to the challenges and lessons in the year ahead, commit to do our best, and regardless of the outcome, let’s embrace the feeling of accomplishment that comes along with giving it all we’ve got.

This past year was full of challenges, changes, and excitement for the Family Life Publications staff, and our three magazines have continued to grow within the communities we serve. It’s 2018, folks — and we got this.