By Senator Bruce Thompson on Monday, 20 April 2020
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

In These Changing Times, Who Is in Control?

Many of us start our days by exercising at home or by heading off to the gym. Of course, the number of “us” is very high in early January and gradually diminishes after a few months, but the intention is still the same. People either want to get in shape or stay in shape, so they can live a healthy life.

Nearly 2 million Georgians are 55+ and approaching retirement in the next 10 years. Most of them lack confidence that Social Security will be around, so they have been self-funding retirement accounts, investing in real estate, and saving cash.

Planning is great, but have you ever stopped to ponder how much control you really have? I am not advocating that we should stroll through life without being prudent and wise, but have you ever considered how fragile life truly is?

Let’s look back to January 2020 when the economy was hotter than a grease fire. Unemployment was less than 3%, and many companies found it difficult to expand due to the labor shortage. Back then, we felt lucky to catch a last-minute flight because the airlines were so busy that nearly every seat was occupied.

Then COVID-19 hit, and everything changed in a matter of weeks. The brakes to the economy were not gradually applied. Instead, the emergency brake was abruptly pulled, and the economy came to a screeching halt.

Empty planes were parked in fields or sometimes even on tarmacs. The stock market that had been approaching 30,000 dropped nearly 40%, and some people began to panic, as they watched their retirement accounts shrink overnight.

Remember the disciplined gym rats who exercised every day to be healthy and maintain that feeling of being invincible? I was one of them.

Unfortunately, I contracted the virus, and my life radically changed overnight. I spent eight hours in the emergency room, hoping and praying my condition did not worsen, and I spent another four days in ICU. The health care professionals at Northside Cherokee Hospital are top notch, and I owe my life to them.

We have learned a lot about COVID-19 since March, but the real question is, “Have we learned anything about ourselves?” People do not like uncertainty and remain worried about this virus.

Life is fragile, and we are commanded in Matthew 6 not to worry because the Lord provides for the birds, and we are far more important to him than the birds. The scripture also encourages us to ask ourselves if we can add a single hour to our lives by worrying. The obvious answer is no, so why worry when it’s not in our control to begin with?