By Stacy Brown on Thursday, 18 November 2021
Category: Woodstock Notes

Holiday Safety Tips From City of Woodstock

City of Woodstock Police Department and City of Woodstock Fire and Rescue have some tips to help you keep your loved ones and your property safe this holiday season. Taking the time to think through scenarios related to holiday shopping and trimming the tree can make a big difference.

∗ Check the water in live Christmas trees daily. Dried-out trees pose a greater fire risk.
∗ Turn off your holiday lights before leaving the house or going to sleep.
∗ Decorating for the holidays is a great time to replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and go over an emergency exit plan with all members of your household.
∗ Always lock the doors of your home and keep gifts out of sight.
∗ If you're cooking holiday meals with small children present, use the back burners of the stove instead of the front (when possible), and turn pot handles to the back.
∗ On trash day, don't advertise to criminals that there is a new TV or other expensive electronics in the house. Instead of leaving empty boxes on the curb, break down merchandise packaging and place it inside garbage or recycling bins.
∗ Avoid porch pirates by having packages delivered to work, leaving specific instructions for delivery drivers, installing security cameras, networking with your neighbors, or using a smart lock.
∗ Lock your car doors and remove your valuables. Don't leave purses and packages in plain sight.
∗ Do not leave firearms in your automobile.
∗ Never leave your car running and unattended in your driveway, especially if there are children in the car.
∗ When shopping at night, stay alert and park in well-lit areas of parking lots. Don't purchase more than you can carry without a cart and have your car keys out before you leave the store.
∗ When shopping with children, plan what to do if you are accidentally separated from each other.
∗ When shopping online, be sure your computer is safe by installing antivirus software. Also, use secure websites for purchases. Look for "https" in the URL.

The City of Woodstock wishes you a safe and wonderful holiday season.