By Representative Mandi L. Ballinger on Friday, 22 July 2016
Category: Capitol Ideas

Help End the Cycle of Domestic Violence: Support the CFVC

There are many great community organizations that serve Cherokee County. The Cherokee County Family Violence Center (CFVC) is one such organization. Over the last twenty years, the organization has experienced much growth, allowing it to have a much bigger impact on the community.

Sadly, domestic violence is an increasing problem in Cherokee County. In 2015 alone, there were 3,496 domestic violence related calls to law enforcement. If Cherokee County, through the efforts of the CFVC, is not afforded the opportunity to break the domestic violence cycle, then those numbers will continue to increase at an alarming rate. And as those numbers increase, the number of children exposed to domestic violence will continue to rise as well.

Working on Juvenile Justice in the Georgia House of Representatives makes one all too aware of the effects of domestic violence on children. The repercussions on their social, emotional, behavioral and academic functioning are staggering.

Of the many innovative programs operated by the CFVC, perhaps the most dynamic are its children’s programs, which are offered in an effort to break the cycle of intergenerational abuse. The Center staff members have always been strong advocates for children in seeking to end the cycle of violence by educating and supporting those who come out of domestic violence situations.

Another innovative program operated by the CFVC is its transitional housing. Most domestic violence shelters offer only temporary, emergency housing. The CFVC not only offers emergency shelter, it also offers victims of domestic abuse transitional housing as well. By having the ability to help victims and their families long-term, its impact is much greater than family violence shelters that are only able to offer emergency housing.

The CFVC also has a legal advocacy program. The legal advocates are a powerful, effective voice for domestic violence victims within the legal system in Cherokee County. There has been much reliance placed on the CFVC staff to advocate for domestic violence victims. Legal advocates accompany victims to court and provide them with much needed emotional support through the protective order process.

The CFVC staff members are working hard to meet the needs of domestic violence victims in Cherokee County. If you’re interested in contributing any of your time, talent or treasure to the Center, please visit them at, where you can find out more about the much needed programs they offer to the community and how you can help.