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Health is Wealth

Since the kids are out of school and the first official day of summer is June 20, here's hoping we all have a little more free time and motivation to get outside and enjoy active pursuits that get us moving, as well as meals that are lighter and more wholesome — especially now that we have access to fresh veggies from local farmers markets or our backyard gardens.

We often hear that without good health, nothing else matters because we can't enjoy the things that are most important to us — the things that make life worth living. Though I've always been pretty active and try to eat nutritious foods most of the time, the older I get, the harder it seems to be to maintain my fitness level. During the past couple of years, the stress of worrying about my health has definitely put into perspective how much I took my wellness for granted when I was younger. Gone are the days when I could eat whatever I wanted and "burn the candle at both ends" to try to do and be "all the things."

Atomic Habits author James Clear makes a great point that applies to everyone, regardless of age: "If you want a recipe for unhappiness, spend your time accumulating a lot of money and let your health and relationships deteriorate."

Speaking of money, health, and relationships, be sure to check out this month's featured list of 
20 money-saving tips on pages 20-21. Some of those recommendations can help you maintain your health and nurture your family and friendships more affordably. So, if we gather with friends and loved ones for free activities such as hiking a local trail or playing in one of Cherokee County's many wonderful parks, we cover all three of those bases. Active Fun + Quality Time + Free = It's a No-Brainer.

Wishing you a happy and healthy summer, 

Summer Fun in Downtown Canton
2024 Legislative Session Highlights