By Senator John Albers on Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Category: Senator John Albers

Giving Thanks

Expressions of thanks are everywhere in our society, from our prayers and holidays to our thank you letters and notes. But many of us don’t take the time to consider the things we are truly thankful for as often as we should. So, this month, I want to share some of the things I am thankful for and detail how service has an impact on each of our lives.I know that politics can be polarizing, but we should all be thankful that folks heed the call to public service and give their time to represent us to the best of their ability. These men and women put their heart and soul into doing what is right, regardless of political party, and move sound public policy through the process to have a tangible impact on their communities. One such person is U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson.

Sen. Isakson has been a staple in Georgia politics for nearly 40 years. His dedication to the veterans of our state while maintaining a conservative view of other important issues has solidified him as one of the most important players in politics. His tenure at the State and U.S. Capitol has helped Georgia grow and prosper, and we will miss his presence.

Additionally, Sen. David Perdue, a relative newcomer to the Senate, is equally passionate. His strong stance on business friendly legislation has provided numerous opportunities for Georgia, as many of the economic development projects have had his support. I am thankful for his leadership and commitment to keeping Georgia at the top of the list of states that are the best for business.
While we are lucky to have such pragmatic representatives at the U.S. Capitol, I’m just as thankful for the wonderful governors our citizens have elected. Gov. Brian Kemp and former Gov. Nathan Deal have certainly left a mark on Georgia. While he was Secretary of State, Gov. Kemp learned valuable information about Georgia’s outdated voting system and put pen to paper by signing the law that will update our voting machines, making them more secure and providing a paper trail. Gov. Deal was a valuable ally to the business community, helping grow an impactful movie industry comparable to that of Hollywood and New York.

Lastly, I want to take a moment to thank some of the people closest to me for their years of support and their unwavering commitment to helping me pursue my passion for public service. My family, friends, and colleagues, both at work and the Capitol, are the reason that I’m able to represent you under the Gold Dome. They are a constant source of help, encouragement, and optimism, and without them, many of the things I’ve accomplished in the Senate would still be ideas in my head.

I am thankful every year, but this year is special. It’s the beginning of a new era for some, the end of a legendary career for others, and a time of prosperity for many. I am grateful that we live in a country where we have so much to be thankful for, and pray for those less fortunate. I hope you will join me in thanking our public servants and praying for all elected officials, as they make decisions that affect every citizen. Most of all, always remember that we live in the land of the free because we are the home of the brave, who wear the uniforms of our military and first responders. Happy Thanksgiving!