By Senator John Albers on Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Category: Senator John Albers

Georgia Overcomes Challenges

The recession of 2008 struck the entire country with a swift blow below the economy’s belt. Recovery has been difficult to say the least, and individual states have gone to great lengths to strengthen the quality of life for their citizens. Georgia is at the forefront of these movements, and has not only met expectations, but has exceeded plans for economic development. Unfortunately, the federal government as a whole has fallen behind. I look forward to better results with the new Congress sworn in earlier this year.

I am most proud of our state for its outstanding increase in job creation and reduction of the unemployment rate. According to Gov. Nathan Deal, Georgia has gained approximately 93,000 jobs just within the past year. That is a remarkable number of parents who are now able to support their children, and a notable number of workers who contribute to making Georgia the best it can possibly be. The state’s unemployment rate has gone from more than 10 percent in 2010 to a solid 6.9 percent today. I would say that is a drastic change that can be credited to effective leadership and state government planning. We are not satisfied with the percentage and will continue to make job creation our top priority.

While Georgia is continually adding job opportunities throughout the state, our federal government seems to be working to ensure we create as few jobs as possible. A prime example of this is President Obama’s vetoing of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a proposed 1,179-mile pipeline that is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy. Not only would this pipeline have increased oil production and independence for the U.S., but it would have brought thousands of jobs and billions in increased revenue for the United States.

It is my hope that the federal government will learn from states like Georgia when it comes to growing the national economy. Georgia continues to successfully operate on a balanced budget year after year. The federal government has an $18 trillion and growing debt and continues deficit spending. Most people, including myself, can barely comprehend a number like 18 trillion, but this is enough money to buy a $50,000 car for every person in America. Remedying this situation would need to be ignited by significant job creation, an opportunity presented in the form of the Keystone XL pipeline.

It seems there are infinite opportunities being created in Georgia helping us to continue improving our economic climate. With the recent announcement of Mercedes-Benz and Porsche America moving to Georgia, as well as our efforts to deepen the Savannah Harbor, I am positive Georgia will continue to thrive and rise above expectations. You have my commitment to work tirelessly to support economic development and job growth.