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Elections Giving Back

Let me begin by saying thank you to: God, my family, campaign team and supporters for another successful election.

I am humbled and thrilled to continue my service to you in the Georgia Senate. I will continue to work tirelessly for you and with a sense of urgency to protect, defend and promote the principles of our great state and nation.

I am very pleased to have Governor Nathan Deal, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle, U.S. Senator-Elect David Perdue and so many other leaders elected this year. On January 12 at the Georgia Capitol, we will be sworn into the 154th General Assembly. We have so much to be proud of in Georgia, and the hard work will continue.

I am working on several important pieces of legislation for the 2015 legislative session to create jobs, empower a responsible society and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. I enjoy serving as your senator and look forward to another great year of moving Georgia forward.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year to all! We love to celebrate Christmas in the Albers house and have many wonderful traditions. The Albers family enjoys sponsoring a family in need this time of year so that they, too, can relish the joy of a Merry Christmas.

Our country was founded upon the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. The seeds of American society were sown by people who had no one to depend on but themselves and their community. America's principle of service to others is one of the things that makes this country great, where neighbors, friends, churches and charities are the first to step in to help those in need and provide a hand up.

Communities across the state host special programs and events during the holidays, such as food drives, charity auctions and special events for the elderly and children. There are so many simple ways to give someone the gift of a helping hand. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or give an extra can of food to local food pantries. Buy breakfast for a coworker and send a few extra holiday greeting cards just to show you care. Let somebody check out at the mall before you, or give your parking space to another driver. These small gestures of giving may not come wrapped in a box or topped with a big red bow, but they'll mean more than you know.

Please remember the true public servants who risk their lives for our own. Thousands of brave men and women in our armed forces, police, fire and EMS will stand guard in the chill of night this Christmas, far from their homes and loved ones. These American patriots deserve our respect and a debt of gratitude. At Christmas, sending an email or a letter to a service member stationed overseas is one of the most precious gifts you can give. Pray for their safe return and be thankful for the freedoms they protect.

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Happy Holidays!