By Senator John Albers on Friday, 20 May 2016
Category: Senator John Albers

Disagreeing Without Disapproving

The Georgia General Assembly ended the 2016 legislative session by setting a record. We officially adjourned at 12:30 am, which is the latest adjournment time in history. We worked hard to pass legislation that will positively affect the lives of my constituents and all citizens of Georgia.

As we vetted and voted on legislation, my colleagues and I focused on doing what is best for this great state. We worked together on addressing disagreements without entirely disapproving of ideas and legislation. We negotiated on politics and legislation without compromising on individual principles. Unique principles are something that all people possess. It is important that we respect others’ beliefs, as we wish others to respect our beliefs. My caucus colleagues and I worked hard with members across the aisle to overcome divisiveness over unique principles to pass legislation that would have the best impact on all Georgians. Through respectful conversation, we were able to work through moments of frustration and disagreement. My colleagues and I realize that in order to be successful, we must come together and focus on achievements that benefit this state and not any one individual. By embracing and respecting individual principles, we all worked in a better and more focused manner.

It is important to remember that we all come from different backgrounds, with different political and social beliefs, so it is imperative for us to focus on facts rather than emotions when making legislative decisions. By focusing on facts, we were able to discuss legislation with courteous and open dialogue, and we accomplished great things. It was critical that we stuck to truths and what was actually in the legislation instead of allowing the 24 hour news cycle or social media sensationalism to take over and drive our decisions. As always, I encourage my constituents to review the legislation and its facts on their own instead of relying on the opinions of others.

While working through the session and in the months after, it is important to me to stick to my priorities by ensuring everything I do benefits my constituents, protects liberties, grows businesses, ensures public safety and improves education for children across the state. By respecting one another and understanding the facts, we are all working towards a better Georgia for everyone. I encourage our local community to take the same approach. If we come together and all work towards the same goal, to have the best community in the state, we will all achieve more.

We can disagree without disapproving and focus on common sense solutions in a professional manner. While out of session, please contact me with any ideas, concerns or questions. I am always available to hear from my constituents and to do the work of the people.