By Senator Bruce Thompson on Thursday, 20 September 2018
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

Destined for Happiness

The election primaries are finally over, and one could argue they were the ugliest this state has ever seen. This particular cycle escalated into personal attacks, recorded conversations, and clip art.

It seems that no matter the topic of conversation, our society has become so polarized in one direction or the other that we have lost the ability to respect the other side’s opinion. In fact, we become so focused on destroying the other candidate that we miss the present opportunities that lie before us.

This reminds me of the touching story of Helen Mason, a beautiful young woman living in the Mobile Bay area during WWII, who lost her husband during a Nazi air raid in London. She had only been married a short while and had incredible dreams for the future, which ended at the hands of the German Nazis. The anger, hurt, hopelessness, and unforgiveness robbed this woman of any sense of joy for many years.

Then there is Joseph — a young, handsome, German man who was also married for a short while but long enough to have a sweet child named Rosa. American bomb raids killed his wife and child. He eventually found himself serving on a German U-boat in the Gulf waters off Mobile Bay where he was shot and left to die by a Nazi officer who did not like him.

Joseph washes ashore, and Helen discovers him lying on the beach. Her struggle really begins here because she really wants to let her resentment and hatred for the German Nazis take over and just let the soldier die, but she decides to hide him and care for him out of a sense of obligation.

As time passes, trust blossoms between them, and they realize neither had accurate accounts of what truly happened to their loved ones. Each lived with bitterness and resentment born out of a perception about the other. However, the story takes a sweet turn, as both of these people learn to let go of the past and channel their history into a positive future, eventually falling in love and getting married.

Our past experiences will either propel us to greatness or handcuff us to destruction, but either way — it will impact us!
We have a choice in the matter.