By Candice on Monday, 27 August 2018
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Decisions, Decisions?

Every waking moment we have decisions to make. That is just one of the reasons I enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Each choice we make, or choose not to make, affects our individual timeline of events and often someone else’s. Hit snooze again on that alarm clock? Eggs scrambled or fried? When you get dressed in the morning, you’re often deciding about your behavior the rest of the day. For example, if you put on flip-flops, you probably won’t be doing much running and should be nice to others, especially those wearing sneakers. If you decide to wear a hat because it’s a “bad hair day,” you’re going to have hat head all day, so select a good hat.

On the other hand, I have a difficult time narrowing down the array of food on the vast menus in some restaurants, deciding who to spend the holidays with, or what song to play when it’s my turn to choose. I know that my indecision leads to going nowhere. It can also be habit forming, and in one way or another, you’ll probably end up hungry and dissatisfied. Even though all the possibilities can be overwhelming, I’ll sometimes just roll the dice and enjoy the adventure. It was my turn, and I took it. Win or lose — it will be a learning experience.

When we own our choices, and understand that we alone are responsible for each of them, only then can we learn to accept the effect, whether positive or negative. Only at that time can we build upon the consequences of actions rather than tearing ourselves down. Not one of us has the ability, opportunity, or wisdom to make every decision correctly in our life, and there is balance or sacrifice in every decision we make. The most content and successful people I have met in my life understand that. Choose as wisely, effectively, and intently as you can. You will either make the right decision for you or for someone else. Knowing that I made the move, made the play, made that choice — and own it — is the one decision, regardless of outcome, that keeps me satisfied, happy, and moving forward.