By Candice on Monday, 20 November 2017
Category: Publisher's Perspective

December 2017

Have you ever stopped to wonder how much you might have in common with Santa — not regarding the jolly physique that may mean extra padding around your waist after Thanksgiving and Christmas, making you want to join a gym the next week — but regarding the fact that he is a symbol of giving without expectation? Of course, there is a correlation there that simply cannot go unnoticed. However, sometimes, we may discover a little more of that giving spirit within us. The holidays are some of those special times.

Around the time I was ten or so was when I began to understand that Santa Claus was more than just a curvy philanthropist with a small and diligent workforce of cheerful employees, more than just a man who was happily married to a sweet lady who embraced his quirks such as his unusual style, seasonal sleeping habits, odd hours and a well-known affinity for cookies. He is a symbol of giving for the love of giving.

That spirit, that desire to lift someone up and create joy, to forgive them of the marks on their naughty list (face it, we aren’t perfect), and give someone peace in knowing that they are loved — that’s why we should give. To give freely from our hearts, with only the desire that our gift be appreciated, is where the holiday spirit flows. When God gave his Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for us — a gift we would never be able to match — He asked that we accept Him as our Savior, a symbol of forgiveness and peace. The true reason for the season is the love of God. Give hope; forgive; and bless others with love this holiday season! Merry Christmas!